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An X ray is a form of electromagnetic energy that cannot be seen. The X rays can penetrate many substances to varying degrees. Dr. KATRINA MOHONEY will focus the X rays at a specific location to identify problem areas. The difference in penetration can be exposed on a photographic plate. Thicker areas, such as bone, prevent the X rays from penetrating through to the photographic plate -- this enable KATRINA MOHONEY, D.C. to see subtle difference in alignment of your bones.
Dr. KATRINA MOHONEY uses X ray tests in New York to help diagnose deformities and malposition of the bones. X ray examinations are particularly good at helping KATRINA MOHONEY, D.C. identify malposition of the vertebra of the spine.
X rays are not useful for visualizing the details of soft tissue. KATRINA MOHONEY, D.C. will recommend other imaging technologies, such magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), or ultrasound to evaluate the ligaments, muscles and organs.
KATRINA MOHONEY, D.C. takes care to limit the total number of X ray examinations you receive in New York, as too much radiation from X rays can be bad for you.

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