This screen allows you to find the required physician/Facility based on the search criteria given. |
It has the following search fields:
RatingsMD® ID# : NPI of a Physician or a Facility |
Name of the Clinic/Group |
Doctor's Last Name |
Doctor's First Name |
City |
State |
Zip |
Keyword(s) : To search for the testimonials which contains the given words. |
Exclude Doctor / Groups without Testmonials : If you check this text box, the search results does not include the facilities/physicians who does not have testimonials |
Minimum Rating : The physicians/facilities who got rating more than or equal to the minimum rating selected in the drop down list |
Specialty : You need to type the required specialty in the specialty text box and automatically a list will be displayed below the text box based on the text typing in the textbox. Select the required specialty from the list. The relevant procedures will get displayed below the textbox if exists. Click on the link Select All/Un Select All, to select or un select all the procedures. select the procedure(s) and click on Search button. The search results will be displayed in another screen |